What is a 45-minute IT review, and does my company need one?

No business is an island. MD’s need to ensure they have the most effective solutions in place, that their IT solutions are up to scratch, and that their cyber security is in place. They also need to be providing the service their clients expect. In 2022, to ensure these requirements, your business will need to have effective, secure and responsive IT solutions.  

 If you’re a business owner, when did you last review your IT provisions? 

At Sweethaven, it’s our priority to ensure all our clients’ IT solutions are effective, secure and compliant, and when we take on new clients, sometimes – their IT solutions can be well…. a bit of a mess.   

Some processes are paper based, some files are on hard drives, others on floppy disks, several stored in servers and a few on more recent tech like USBs or CD’s. If they’ve recently invested in digital solutions, then there can be some or even all of the more recent applications, in The Cloud.  

When your infrastructure, files, data and applications - the very core of your business - is in disarray, can you truly ensure that you’re filing and protecting everything properly? Should there be a fire, flood, or theft, would your business lose core data, files and information?  

Whether you’re: 

  • Wanting to better understand what IT systems you have in place, and their effectiveness,  

  • Looking to move, update, reconfigure your offices, or take up business premises, 

  • Instigating or improving remote working provisions, 

  • Wondering if you’re business is really cyber secure, 

  • Intending to undertake Cyber Essentials and would like an idea of what’s needed to be actioned, 

  • Looking to sell or buy a business 

  • Or just wanting some IT peace of mind,  

In a 45-minute IT review, a Sweethaven technical expert can determine the baseline of your current infrastructure, along with your business needs and technical requirements. They can assess your cyber security measures, highlight any weaknesses, and explain the potential limitations or vulnerabilities of your most concerning cyber issues.  Our IT expert will also be able to determine the impact your hardware may be having on productivity and efficiency and look at compliance. 

A key factor of each IT review is to define how effective remote working provisions and policies are, and to develop a view on the savings and efficiencies that your business could be benefiting from. 

Should you want to better understand the vulnerabilities and limitations of your business IT infrastructure and receive some advice for a road map for improvements and efficiencies, we can help. 

There’s no hard sell, no obligation and no pushy sales guys, just a professional IT technician ensuring you’re aware of the limitation’s, vulnerabilities, benefits and advantages of your business IT set up. 

Get in touch with the Sweethaven IT team today, we can have an exploratory call, discuss what can be expected from your 45-minute IT audit and get a meeting booked in. There’s really no excuse not to find out more, the savings from better understanding your risk and any savings you could be making, are invaluable. 


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