Free Phishing Test & Initial Checklist

Phishing attacks are on the rise. As they become more successful and regular, businesses need to ensure their phishing defences are up to par. Whether you have members of your team working in the office, from home or a mixture of both, it’s imperative that your defenses are fine tuned.  

“One in every 3,722 emails in the UK is a phishing attempt (20% higher than the global average)”[1].  

“Around half of cyberattacks in the UK involve phishing. That’s roughly 20% higher than the global average.” [2] 

Improve your defenses by ensuring correct cyber security software and procedures are in place. However, more often than not phishing attacks are successful due to human error, and not the technology in place.  Implementing regular cyber security training programmes for all your teams and staff is key. With the right cyber security provider, your training can be highly effective, relevant, in-depth, and tailored to your teams' needs. It can also be created in-line with your business, suppliers, and client requirements. 

 If your staff aren’t properly trained to recognise and stop a rouge email, how can they be your best line of defense, and ultimately protect your business? By providing regular training sessions and undertaking live phishing tests, you’re able to monitor how many of your staff would take the bait and put you at risk of a phishing attack. 

Here’s what your business can do to protect your systems from phishing:  

Sign up for a Free Phishing Security Test with Sweethaven in partnership with KnowBe4. You’ll be able to see, live, how your employees deal with a phishing attack, and evaluate how your business compares to your peers and industry benchmarks.  

Our free Phishing Security Test is a great way to assess your business and the knowledge of your staff. Without proper training on how to recognise and deal with phishing attacks, your team is your weakest link.  

Unfortunately, due to the skills and determination of cyber criminals, cyber security testing and training isn’t a one-time requirement. Cyber criminals are forever honing their skills, finding new ways to attack and cripple businesses.  It’s highly recommended that thorough and regular training and testing needs to be in place.  

 If you’d like to find out more about how Sweethaven can help improve your cyber security, ensure your staff have the knowledge they need to protect your business, and to set in place a stronger cyber defense, please enquire below.  

 Feel free to also try our FREE Phishing Security Test Checklist to get an initial understanding of how your business is handling potential phishing attacks. This handy checklist is a great way to conduct an initial self-assessment of how prone or ready your company is for a phishing attack. Book your test, request a copy of the checklist or both by filling the form below:


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